What better way to kick off the Christmas festivities than a Christmas stocking pattern?! This is a very easy, quick working pattern that offers 2 sizes. There is a full size stocking for the obvious reason and then also a mini stocking for a novelty gift!! Think about all the different little things you’ll be buying gift bags for this season – how adorable would it be to use a crochet Christmas stocking as the gift bag instead?! Below are the pattern details and if you continue to scroll past them you’ll also find a full project video tutorial that will guide you through the full pattern start to finish offering the steps for both sizes!!

This red pattern button will redirect you to the written pattern download option. Below are the materials needed along with links to purchase any that you might need & then just below that is the video tutorial.
MATERIALS NEEDED: click any of the images here to open up a new window where you can order the materials you need straight off of Amazon secure site and have them shipped right to your door: